TM 9-2320-211-20
(4) Install a new mounting gasket on top of the
distributor drive housing (9), and position the
distributor and coil assembly (4) on the housing,
e n g a g i n g the coupling at the lower end of the
distributor shaft with the coupling on the upper end
of the drive shaft inside the housing.
(5) Position the two distributor mounting
clamps (8) on top of the drive housing, and secure
(6) A d j u s t t h e b r e a k e r p o i n t g a p ( d ( l )
(7) Install the rotor on the breaker cam,
position the distributor cover on the housing being
sure that the cover gasket is in place, and secure the
assembly with eight screws and lockwashers (fig. 2-
(8) Position the distributor primary wire (3) at
distributor installation.