TM 9-2320-211-20
light switches. The tubes and lamps are protected
(12) E m e r g e n c y l i g h t . T h e e m e r g e n c y l i g h t
by a hinged wire-mesh guard.
air c o n d i t i o n c i r c u i t b r e a k e r .
(15) 3-phase
the center of the van ceiling at the left of the air
The 3-phase air conditioner circuit breaker (fig. 2-
conditioning duct. It consists of a fixture containing
232) is a 3-pole, 20-amp, 250-volt magnetic
a standard 60-watt lamp covered by a white frosted
t h e r m a l type used to protect the air conditioner
lens. The light is controlled by a separate
circuit and to shut off power to the air conditioner
emergency light switch and operates independently
system during maintenance. It may also be utilized
of the main blackout circuit switch and door-
as a emergency switch for the air conditioner when
operated switches.
(13) Blackout light. The blackout light (fig. 2-
( 1 6 ) 24-volt vehicle clearance and blackout
231) is located approximately in the center of the
lights are located on the upper front face of the
van ceiling at the right of the air conditioning duct.
bonnet and on the upper corners of the van rear
It is similar to the emergency light, except that it is
panel. The clearance lights are placed above the
equipped with a 25-watt blue lamp and blue lens.
blackout lights and are identical except that the
The light operates in conjunction with the blackout
front lights are equipped with amber lenses and the
relay and blackout door-operated switches, and is
r e a r lights with red lenses. The clearance and
automatically t u r n e d o n w h e n t h e d o o r s a r e
blackout lights are controlled from the vehicle light
opened, and off when they are closed, when the
s w i t c h in conjunction w i t h the vehicle lighting
main blackout switch is in the ON position.
(14) Ceiling fixtures and lights. E i g h t r e c -
(17) Ground spike. The van electrical system
234) are located in the van ceiling on either side of
spike to which the ground cable is attached. The
the air conditioning duct. Each contains three 20-
other end of the cable is fitted with a terminal for
w a t t fluorescent tubes, two 60-watt lamps, and