TM 9-2320-211-20
each strap in the hole in the outer end of each (front
b. Removal.
(1) Drain the fuel tank ( a (2) above)
and rear) mounting support. Install a lockwasher
and nut on each T bolt. Tighten the nuts.
(2) Rotate the bayonet type connector at the
fuel gage sending unit counterclockwise. Remove
(3) Postition the fuel tank ventilation line at
the fuel gage cable from the sending unit.
t h e ventilation cover on top of the fuel tank.
Tighten the connector.
(3) Unscrew the connector at the tank end of
the fuel tank-to-fuel filter line from the outlet at the
(4) Position the fuel tank-to-fuel filter line at
top of the fuel tank. Remove the line.
the outlet on top of the fuel tank. Tighten the
(4) Unscrew the connector at the tank end of
the fuel tank-vent line from the vent cover at the top
(5) Insert the bayonet type connector on the
of the fuel tank. Remove the line.
end of the fuel gage cable in the terminal socket on
the fuel gage sending unit. Rotate the connector
one each from the bottom end of the front and rear
clockwise to lock the pins on the connector in the
fuel tank straps. Pull the T bolt, secured to the
socket slots.
bottom end of each strap, free of the holes in the
( 6 ) Fill the fuel tank (TM 9-2320-211-10).
mounting supports.
Look under the tank for any indication of fuel
(6) R e m o v e the fuel tank.
c. Installation.
(1) Position the fuel tank on the two mounting
When replacing any of the fuel lines or fittings, coat
supports bolted to the left and / or right from the
all threaded connections with a liquid type gasket
side rail.
cement before installation, and tighten all con-
(2) Position the front and rear fuel tank straps
on the tank. Insert the T bolt at the lower end of