TM 9-2320-211-20
(2) Open the instrument by turning the key to
(b) R e v o l u t i o n w a r n i n g c o n t a c t : T u r n
right; the warning is a higher rpm ; turn left; the
the left; use the key as a handle. Insert a new chart
warning is at a lower rpm.
into the instrument, and close the instrument by
(11) Transpose data generated from the charts
turning the key to the right. Remove the key during
the trip.
onto DA Form 2408-1. Charts which contain
unusual data must be retained at the unit to
(3) Lift the clamping lever of the time
s u p p o r t actions in connection with equipment
positioning device to insert or remove chart. When
inserting a new chart, note the following:
improvement recommendations, warranty claims,
accidents, operator discipline; etc. Other charts
(a) The green printed side faces toward the
inside of the instrument, or toward the person
may be destroyed after the data has been recorded.
inserting the chart. The blue printed side faces the
b. Tachograph Charts.
(1) General. The chart of the tachograph aids
in efficient organization, and provides statistical
(b) Place the edge of the chart under the
rpm coupling. Close the clamping lever.
data on the economical use of vehicles and on the
manner of driving.
(c) Insert a new chart every day before
starting the engine. Charts left in an instrument for
several days make it impossible to analyze the
The stylus referred to in these instructions
recordings, s i n c e -- i n t h e c a s e o f t h e 2 4 - h o u r
is any of the various needles that mark the
chart--tracings are superimproved on one another
chart during vehicle operation.
after 24 hours.
(2) Tachograph diagram charts. The chart
(4) When new charts are not available, insert a
consists of a strong, red backing paper, 123-mm in
used chart and operate the vehicle in this manner
diameter, w h i c h i s c o v e r e d w i t h a v e r y t h i n
until new charts are available. This will protect the
recording layer. Each sapphire tipped stylus of the
stylus or fingers of the instrument from damaging
tachograph cuts precise lines in this recording layer
the assembly.
to reveal the red backing.
( 5 ) Insert only charts with a speed range
(3) R e c o r d i n g . T h e r e c o r d i n g f i e l d s a r e
c o r r e s p o n d i n g to that of instrument in use. If
divided up by green markings, which enable
diagram charts with the wrong speed range are
numerical values to be read off. It is not possible to
used, a false reading will result and the charts will
markings without
a l t e r o r remove recorded
be useless as records.
damaging the wax surface of the chart. The clock
(6) Handle and store diagram charts carefully.
mechanism rotates the chart forward at a uniform
Do not fold or scratch them. Do not write in the
rate so that the recordings are related to time. In
recording fields. H a n d l e accident charts with
t h e case of the one-day chart (24 hours), the
special care, since testimony may depend on them.
recording field covers the whole paper (360 ).
(7) Wind the clock by pulling out the lever and
moving it to and fro until it strikes the stop. Push
The charts must be changed just before or
back the lever into its former position. The clock
immediately after they have completed one
can also be wound when the diagram chart is in-
rotation; otherwise new recordings will be
superimposed on old recordings.
(8) Set the clock by turning the diagram chart
support to the left (rough setting). The final setting
(1) On the chart. Three independent values are
is done by the lateral hand setting wheel. Use
recorded: vehicle speed, driving and stopped time,
figures on the support as help.
and distance traveled. Once the chart has been
(9) Adjust the clock movement if it is fast or
inserted and the cover of the instrument closed, the
slow by moving the adjusting lever to plus (if the
three styluses begin to record. The time scale is
clock is slow) or to minus (if the clock is fast).
printed on the outer edge of the chart. Further time
(10) Adjust the vibration stylus in the
scales in the individual recording fields make it
following manner:
possible to read off these values against their
(a) Adjust the screw: Turn right; the stylus
respective recordings. T h e time scale has five-
lifts; turn left, the stylus sinks.