C1 TM 9-2320-211-20
b. Installation.
(1) Position the control valve assembly (fig. 2-
the control valve. Remove the adapter from the
223) on the mounting base at the rear of the
reservoir, and secure it with eight cap screws and
(3) Remove the control valve levers (fig. 2-
(2) Connect the four hydraulic flexible lines to
t h e manifolds (fig. 2-223) installed in the control
the lines.
with pump and adapter removed.
(4) Disconnect the four hydraulic flexible
control valve outlet ports.
o n the trunnion.
assembly to the mounting base. Remove the valve
(4) Position the control valve adapter (fig. 2-
from the base.
221) on the control valve assembly, and secure it
w i t h six capscrews and lockwashers.
2-244. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings
B e f o r e disconnecting any hydraulic line,
place an identification tag on the line and
its corresponding part to prevent incorrect
installation of the hydraulic line.
(1) Unscrew the sleeve nut and both ends o f
the line b e i n g r e m o v e d .
(2) Remove the line from the vehicle.
b. Installation (fig. 2 - 2 2 4 ) .
( 1 ) Position the flexible line on the proper
h y d r a u l i c cylinder.
(2) Connect the line to the ports at the base of
t h e cylinder and manifold fitting.