TM 9-2320-366-20-4
Perform steps (6.1) through (6.2) on M1089.
(6.1) Apply antiseize compound to threads of two 90-degree
fittings (2), 90-degree fitting (3), fitting (4), 45-degree
fitting (5) and two 45-degree fittings (5.1).
(6.2) Install two 90-degree fittings (2) in relay valve (6).
(6.3) Install 90-degree fitting (3) in relay valve (6).
(6.4) Install fitting (4) in relay valve (6).
(6.5) Install 45-degree fitting (5) in relay valve (6).
(6.6) Install two 45-degree fittings (5.1) in relay valve (6).
(7) Position relay valve (6) on panel (7) with two washers
(8), screws (9), and self-locking nuts (11).
(8) Tighten two self-locking nuts (11) to 14-18 lb-ft (20-24
(9) Connect air hose (12) to 45-degree fitting (5).
(10) Connect air hose (13) to 90-degree fitting (3).
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