TM 9-2320-366-20-4
b. Installation.
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing com-
pounds can burn easily, can give off
harmful vapors, and are harmful to skin
and clothing. Keep away from open fire
and use in a well-ventilated area. If
adhesive, solvent, or sealing compound
gets on skin or clothing, wash
immediately with soap and water. Failure
to comply may result in injury to
Both stoplight switches are installed the same
way. Rear stoplight switch shown.
Terminal lugs on front stoplight switch are TL154 and TL155.
(1) Apply antiseize compound to threads of stoplight switch
(1) and fitting (2).
(2) Install stoplight switch (1) in fitting (2).
(3) Install terminal lugs TL153 (3) and TL152 (4) on stoplight
c. Follow-On Maintenance.
(1) Connect batteries (para 7-57).
(2) Check operation of stoplights (TM 9-2320-366-10-1).
End of Task.