TM 9-2320-366-20-5
(7) Remove four self-locking nuts (19), washers (20),
and screws (21) from support legs (8). Discard self-
locking nuts.
(8) Remove three self-locking nuts (22), rear M10
support (23), three washers (24), and screws (25)
from EPLRS shelf (26). Discard self-locking nuts.
(9) Remove four screws (27), washers (28), and EPLRS
shelf (26) from support legs (8).
(10) Remove three self-locking nuts (29), outer side
support (30), three washers (31), and screws (32)
from inter side support (33). Discard self-locking
(11) Remove two self-locking nuts (34), inner side
support (33), two washers (35), and screws (36)
from support legs (8).
Change 2