TM 9-2320-260-34-1
28. Remove snapring (22) and rear mainshaft bearing (21) from transmission case (8).
29. Slide mainshaft (20) to rear of transmission case (8) and remove fourth/fifth gear synchronizer (19)
from mainshaft (20).
30. Install rope sling on mainshaft (20).
31. Install lifting device on rope sling.
All personnel must stand clear during lifting operations. A swing-
ing or shifting load may cause injury to personnel.
32. Remove mainshaft (20) from transmission case (8) and lower onto wooden supports.
33. Remove lifting device from rope sling.
34. Remove rope sling from mainshaft (20).
35. Remove reverse idler gearshaft (27) and reverse idler gear (24) from transmission case (8).
36. Remove two bearings (23) from reverse idler gear (24).
37. Remove snapring (26) and rear countershaft bearing (25) from transmission case (8).