TM 9-2320-366-20-5
(4) Remove self-locking nut (13), washer (14), clamp (15),
washer (16), screw (17), washer (18), clamp half (19),
and clamp half (20) from cab (11). Discard self-locking
(5) Remove clamp (15) from M1089 warning lights cable
assembly (12).
(6) Remove six self-locking nuts (21), washers (22), clamps
(23), M1089 warning lights cable assembly (12), six
washers (24), screws (25), washers (26), clamp halves
(27), and clamp halves (28) from cab (11). Discard self-
locking nuts.
(7) Remove six clamps (23) from M1089 warning lights
cable assembly (12).