TM 9-2320-366-20-4
(63) Pull rear lights cable assembly (1) through conduit tubing
(64) Install washer (120) and terminal lug TL16 (121) on left
rear marker light stud (122) with nut (123).
(65) Connect connector P86 (124) to left rear marker light
connector 489 (125).
(66) Close right side tool box (126).
(67) Connect connector P52R (127) to connector J52 (128).
(68) Connect connector clamp (129) to connector J52 (128).
(69) Install washer (130) and terminal lug TL15 (131) on left
side marker light stud (132) with lockwasher (133) and
nut (134).
(70) Connect connector P85 (135) to left side marker light
connector 489 (136).
Change 1