TM 55-7440-240-14
Section I. GENERAL
The TACFIRE system can be transported by a va-
This chapter provides transportability guidance for
riety of inland waterway cargo carriers, by light-
marine and terminal handling and movement of the
ers, and by most seagoing cargo vessels.
TACFIRE system. It covers significant technical
and physical characteristics and also prescribes the
materials and guidance necessary to prepare, lift,
tiedown, and discharge the system.
The methods described in this chapter for
lifting and securing are suggested proce-
dures. Other methods of handling and
stowage may be used provided they will
insure safe delivery without damage.
two forward and two aft. Spreader bars must be
used in the sling legs, as shown in figures 61 and
a. Stowage. Whenever possible, below-deck
6-3. If the shelter is loaded separately, a four-
stowage should be provided. In general, good
l e g g e d sling with equal-length legs without
stowage means placing the items as close together
as practical, with minimum space between outer
item and sweatboards (approximately 4 to 6
c. Loading. The TACFIRE system components
inches). Breakable parts should be protected, spare
will be loaded on seagoing cargo vessels in their
parts stowed in or near parent item, brakes set
minimum configuration as described in paragraph
with brake lever wire tied, battery terminals dis-
25 unless operational requirements
dictate other-
connected and taped, and fuel tanks drained. Se-
wise. The system may be loaded under its own
cure the system components by blocking wheels;
power aboard landing craft, beach discharge light-
front, rear, and on both sides. Lash with wire rope
ers, heavy or medium amphibious lighters, and
or chains to bulkhead, stanchions, or padeyes.
landing ships; by towing with suitable prime
mover; or by lifting with cranes of adequate capac-
ity (14.5-ton minimum with shelter mounted in
truck, otherwise 11.5-ton). Also, the system can be
When the TACFIRE system is loaded on
loaded onto seagoing vessels by shoreside or float-
vessels that are adequately ventilated by
power blowers, such as roll-on/roll-off ves-
sels, fuel tanks need not be drained nor
batteries disconnected.
through 6-4 list materials and their application for
blocking and tiedown in general-cargo vessels.
b. Lifting. The cargo truck has four lifting provi-
d. Special Design. Roll-on/roll-off ships, landing
sions. Two are located on top of the front bumper
ships, and attack cargo ships are equipped with
and one on each spring saddle and pin assembly lo-
cated on top of each rear spring assembly. The
patented lashing gear and pre-positioned fittings in
shelter has four lifting provisions. One is located on
adequate, and the additional blocking and bracing
each top corner. The power unit has four lifting
are not required.
provisions located on top of the side frame rails,