TM 55-7440-240-14
2-5. Reduced Configuration
Transportation Special Permit No. 3498 (applicable
Except for ocean transport, the TACFIRE system
only to shipments by motor vehicle or rail in
components should be reduced only to the extent
periods of actual emergency), it will not present
necessary for the selected mode of transportation.
any hazardous or dangerous characteristics during
For terminal handling and ocean transport, econ-
exposure to normal transportation environments.
omy can be achieved by reducing the system com-
ponents to their minimum dimensions without
major disassembly. The power unit is not reduci-
ble. The shelter may be reduced by removing the
Those regulations and/or transportation
air conditioner, the modular collective protective
procedures normally associated with ve-
hicles carrying combustible liquid fuels
The truck height may be reduced by lowering the
apply (TM 38 250); Code of Federal Regu-
windshield and by removing the shelter, truck
lations, Titles 46 and 49; and the Associa-
cargo body side and end racks, cab top, and
tion of American Railroads Rules Govern-
exhaust pipe extension. Detailed procedures for
i n g the Loading of Commodities on
preparation are provided in MIL-V-62038, Mili-
Open-Top Cars and Trailers (app).
tary Specification, Preparation for Shipment and
Storage of Wheeled Vehicles.
2-6. Unusual Characteristics
The TACFIRE system is designed so that, when
restrained in accordance with the guidance pro-
The TACFIRE system has no unusual characteris-
vided in this manual, it can withstand the shocks
tics that require special attention to be given to
and vibrations associated with current transporta-
temperature, atmospheric pressure, or humidity
tion methods.
variations during exposure to normal transporta-
tion environments.
2-9. CONUS
Freight Classification
2-7. H a z a r d o u s a n d D a n g e r o u s
Rail and motor freight classification descriptions
and item numbers will be determined in accordance
with chapter 211, AR 55-355.