Figure 6-4. Lifting diagram for M291A2 with eight-wire sling and
two spreader bars.
sling leg is passed through the cable guide attached to the
bottom outside edge of the cargo body, to eliminate the
possibility of lifting slings shifting during lifting operations.
The two front shackles on top of the front bumper
The rear sling-leg eyes are attached directly to the pin in
must not be used for lifting.
the spring saddle with a shackle. Typical lifting diagrams
are shown in figures 6-1 through 6-4.
(2) The rear lifting points are located on the spring
b. Loading, Vehicles are always loaded onto vessels in
saddle and pin assembly located on top of the rear springs.
their minimum configuration-that is, reduced height, with
Bodies are reinforced near the spring and pin assembly. The
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