This chapter provides transportability guidance for marine
1. When vehicles are loaded on vessels that are
and terminal movement of the M39-series trucks, 5-ton, 6x6.
adequately ventilated by power blowers, such as
It covers significant technical and physical characteristics and
those commonly found on roll-on/roll-off vessels,
safety considerations; prescribes blocking materials; and pro-
fuel tanks need not be drained and battery ter-
vides guidance to prepare, lift, tie down, and discharge the
minals may remain connected.
2. The methods described in this chapter for lift-
ing and securing vehicles are suggested proce-
dures. Other methods of handling and stowage
In addition to the safety precautions contained in chapter
may be used provided they will insure safe delivery
3, the following precautions should be taken as applicable:
without damage.
a. All vessel equipment and gear should be inspected
prior to use.
a. Ligting.
b. All stevedore slings and other items used in the load-
(1) The installed lifting shackles on the front bumper
ing and unloading operations should be inspected for con-
of 2 -ton, 6x6 trucks should not be used. Instead, a 6-foot-
dition and adequate capacity.
length assembly of -inch diameter, or larger, 6x19, IWRC
c. All personnel should be cautioned not to walk under
wire rope with a loop and thimble in each end will be used.
vehicles being lifted.
The loop with thimble may be made with a splice or a swage
d. Lifting rings and shackles on each vehicle should be
fitting. Also, zinc-poured fittings with an eye large enough
inspected to insure that they are complete and not damaged.
to fit sling leg hook or shackle may be used in place of loop
e. All lifts should have at least two tag lines attached
with thimble. The wire rope will be passed down the front
to control the swing of the vehicle while suspended.
side, under the bumper, up and over the frame, and under
f. Vehicle fuel tanks must be drained and battery ter-
and up the front side of the bumper. The loop will be placed
minals disconnected and taped.
in sling hook, or it will be shackled with first loop. To use
g. Vehicle transmission must be placed and wire-tied in
existing lifting shackle as a cable guide, the pin will be
the neutral position.
removed, the wires will be placed in the shackle, and the
h. Handbrakes must be firmly set with brake lever
pin will be reinstalled, as shown in isolated view of figures
6-1 through 6-4. These procedures will be repeated for the
6-3. General Rules for Stowing
opposite front lifting attachment. Malleable sheet metal or
hard cushioning strips will be used at sharp corners and
Whenever possible, vehicles should receive the protection
edges to prevent the wire rope from cutting or frame edges
of below-deck stowage. In general, good stowage of vehicles
from bending.
means having them placed fore and aft as close together
as practical, with minimum spacing between outer vehicles
and the sweatboards (about 4 to 6 inches). Breakable parts,
spare parts, and OEM (on-equipment materiel), if not
Other methods such as chains of adequate size and
shipped on the vehicle, should be protected and properly
strength may be substituted provided they will not
identified as to location or disposition during shipment.
damage vehicle components and can be readily
Vehicles in the ship's hold should be blocked in front, in
adapted to sling leg. A lifting bar of adequate size
rear, and on both sides of the wheels so that the vehicle
and strength also may be substituted provided it
cannot move in any direction; individual vehicle blocks
does not contact any component of the vehicle
should be braced to bulkheads, stanchions, and other vehicle
beneath the frame, such as the winch, engine,
wheel blocks. All vehicles should be lashed with wire rope
steering gear or so forth.
or chains to nearby bulkheads, stanchions, or padeyes.
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