TM 55-320-211-15-1
Section I. GENERAL
b. Truck, Tractor, M52 (fig 2-2). The M52
truck has a 167-inch wheel base designed to haul
This chapter provides a general description of the
various trailers. The M52A1 and the M52A2
M39-series 5-ton trucks, identification photo-
trucks are identical except for different types of
graphs, tabulated transportability characteris-
tics, and data that are necessary for movement of
c. Truck, Cargo, M54 (fig 2-3). The M54 truck
the vehicles.
has a 179-inch wheel base with a 14-foot flatbed
cargo body designed for use as a general-purpose
cargo and troop carrier. The M54A1 and the
The trucks, 5-ton, 6x6, covered in this manual are
M54A2 trucks are identical except for different
of various wheel bases and body styles; all have a
types of engines.
tandem rear axle, dual rear tires, and are powered
d. Truck, Cargo, Drop side, M54A1C and
by gasoline, diesel, or multifuel engines. The
M54A2C. These trucks are identical to the M54
vehicles are designed for use over all types of
except for the dropside feature that permits side
roads, highways, and cross-country terrain, in all
loading from each side, and both models are also
types of weather. For detailed description and
equipped with different types of engines.
operating instructions refer to TM 9-2320211-10
e. Truck, Cargo, M55 (fig 2-4). The M55 truck
and TM 9-2320-211-20. A brief description,
has a 215-inch wheel base with a 20-foot flatbed
together with an identification photograph, of the
cargo box. The M55A1 and the M55A2 trucks are
various chassis and body types follows:
a. Truck, Dump, M51 (fig 2-1). The M51
identical except for different types of engines.
f. Truck, Wrecker, M62 (fig 2-5). The M62
truck has a 167-inch wheel base with a 5-cubic-
truck has a 179-inch wheel base, with a 20,000-
yard-capacity dump body and twin-cylinder hoist
pound-capacity hydraulically operated crane and
assembly. The M51A1 and the M51A2 trucks are
a 10- to 18-foot boom. This vehicle differs from
identical except for different types of engines.