TM 55-2320-211-15-1
Changes to DA Publications and Blank Forms)
and forwarded to Director, Military Traffic
a. This manual provides transportability guid-
Management Command Transportation Engi-
ance for logistical handling and movement of the
neering Agency, ATTN: MTT-TRP, PO Box
M39-series trucks, 5-ton, 6x6.
6276, Newport News, VA 23606.
b. The intent of this manual is to provide trans-
portation officers and other personnel responsible
for movement or for providing transportation
Appropriate precautionary measures required
services with information considered appropriate
during movement of the items are contained in
for safe transport. Significant technical and phys-
chapter 3.
ical characteristics, as well as safety consid-
erations required for worldwide movement by the
1-4. Definitions of
Warnings, Cautions, and
various modes of transportation are included.
Where considered appropriate, metric equivalents
Throughout this manual, warnings, cautions, and
are given in parentheses following dimensions or
notes emphasize important or critical guidance.
other measurements. Conversion tables are con-
They are used for the following conditions:
tained in appendix B. References are contained in
a. Warning. An operating procedure or pra-
appendix A.
tice that, if not correctly followed, could result in
1-2. Reporting of
Recommendations and
personal injury or loss of life.
b. Caution. An operating procedure or practice
that, if not strictly observed, could result in
The reporting of errors, omissions, and recom-
damage to or destruction of equipment.
mendations for improving this manual by the in-
c. Note. An operating procedure or condition
dividual user is encouraged. Reports should be
that must be emphasized.
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended