TB 43-0156
1. Purpose. This bulletin prescribes the responsibilities, procedures, and guidance for accomplishing
safety inspections and use of vehicle support stands. The purpose is to provide direction to local
purchasers, supervisors, users, and others concerned with, or responsible for its proper application, and
comply with the requirements, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1970, Title 29 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) 1960, and The Army Safety Program (AR 385-10).
2. Scope. This bulletin applies to
Headquarters, Department of
the Army Major Commands (including
subordinate commands, installations and activities) and separate installations and activities reporting
directly to Headquarters, Department of the Army.
2.1. Application.
a. There may be instances where host nation standards may apply. In those cases the more stringent
standards will be met.
b. The use of this manual shall be used in conjunction with appropriate vehicle operator's manuals
and/or appropriate Department of the Army authenticated technical manuals.
a. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 and the standards adopted therein,
Department of Labor (OSHA Standards are available from the Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing office, Washington, DC 20402) http://www.osha.gov.
b. AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program.
c. AR 385-40, Accident Reporting & Records.
d. AR 700-138, Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability.
e. AR 725-50, Requisition, Receipt, and Issue System.
AR 750-1, Army Material Maintenance Policy.
g. ASME PALD-2003, Safety Standard for Portable Automotive Lifting Devices, American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
h. DA PAM 750-8, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) User Manual.
DA Form 2402, Maintenance Tag.
DD Form 314, Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record.
k. DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet.
4. Definitions. For the purpose of
this publication, the following definitions apply:
a. Base: portion of the stand that rests on the ground, provides lateral stability, and holds the
adjustable column in an upright position.
b. Column: vertical rack gear used for elevation.
c. Pawl: mechanical locking device, designed to prevent slippage of the column.
d. Saddle: featured designed area of the column used to position and support the load.