TB 43-0156
e. Make sure the stands are standing up straight and perpendicular to ground or floor.
Ensure that the rack and pawl are fully engaged before and after the load is applied.
g. Apply the load so as to prevent any lateral forces on stands. Lateral forces usually occur when
the vehicle is being lifted for the placement of another stand. The first stand that is already in
position is the stand that receives the lateral forces as the vehicle suspension system adjusts to
further changes in height. Support stand failures frequently occur when they are pushed over
sideways by the vehicle itself.
h. Never place a stand under the independent suspension system, this could generate lateral forces
causing the stand to tip over. Lift/support a vehicle with independent suspension by the vehicle
frame; wheels should hang free.
The stability of the vehicle, in conjunction with the appropriate placement of the stands, must be
checked prior to any personnel initiating vehicle maintenance procedures. Once the load is
applied and settled, absolutely no rocking is allowed.
No alterations shall be made to this product.