4. WINCH WIRE ROPE (M548A1/M1015A1). Ser-
3. WINCH GEAR BOX (M548A1/M1015A1). Service
only when contaminated or during maintenance repair.
vice only when contaminated after use or during
Drain and refill winch gear box. To drain, remove plug in
maintenance repair. Pay out winch wire rope from
bottom of gear box. Inspect plug and oil for metallic
drum. Clean wire rope with oil (OE/HDO), wipe off
particles. If found, notify your supervisor. Clean plug,
excess oil, and coat with oil (CW-11). Reel in wire
apply a coat of sealing compound* to plug threads, and
install plug. To fill, remove fill and level plugs and add
gear lubricant (GO) until lubricant reaches bottom of level
plug hole (refill capacity 2 3/4 pints). Clean plugs, apply
a coat of sealing compound* to plug threads, and
install plugs. On M1015A1 carriers, it will be neces-
sary to remove ground rod stowage box (TM 9-2350-
247-20) before draining winch gear box.
Machine Gun Mount
(Clean with dry cleaning
solvent; oil all moving
parts)(see note 1) (O)
Towing Pintle
(2 Fittings)
(see note 1) (O)
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