TM 9-2320-392-10-2
0103 00
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) are performed to keep the vehicle in
operating condition. The checks are used to find, correct, or report problems.
Crewmembers are to do the PMCS jobs as shown in the PMCS tables. PMCS is done every
day the vehicle is operated using the PMCS tables. Pay attention to WARNING and
CAUTION statements. A WARNING means someone could be hurt. A CAUTION means
equipment could be damaged.
Explanation of Table Entries
Item Number Column. Numbers in this column are for reference. When completing DA
Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), include the Item Number
for the Check/Service indicating a fault. Item Numbers also appear in the order that you
must perform Checks and Services for the intervals listed.
Interval Column. This column tells you when you must perform the procedure in the
procedure column. BEFORE procedures must be performed before you operate or use the
vehicle. DURING procedures must be performed during operation of the vehicle. AFTER
procedures must be performed immediately after you have operated the vehicle. WEEKLY
procedures must be performed every seven days. MONTHLY procedures must be
performed approximately every 30 days.
Man-hour Column. This column describes the number of man-hours required to
complete all prescribed lubrication service. It is stated to the nearest tenth of an hour.
Item to Check/Service Column. This column provides the location and the Item(s) to
be checked or serviced.
Procedure Column. This column provides the procedure to check or to service the
Item(s) listed in the check/service column.
Equipment Not Ready/Available If: Column. This column tells you what faults will
keep your vehicle from being capable of performing the primary mission. If you perform
check and service procedures that show faults listed in this column, do not operate the
vehicle. Follow standard operating procedures for maintaining the vehicle or reporting
equipment failure.
0103 00-2