TM 9-2320-366-20-5
Ensure cargo bed is free of equipment
and debris, and not warped or damaged.
Failure to comply may result in serious
injury or death to personnel or damage to
(23) Remove four quick release pins (42) and plugs (43) from
crane pockets (44).
(24) Install four tiedown posts (45) in crane pockets (44).
Ensure quick release pins are installed
through both sides of crane pockets. Failure
to comply may result in damage to
(25) Install four plugs (43) on frame (46) with four quick
release pins (42).
(26) Position four tiedown hoist rings (47) on tiedown posts
(45) with screws (48).
(27) Tighten four screws (48) to 230 lb-ft (312 Nm).
(28) Lower ladder (TM 9-2320-366-10-1).