TM 9-2320-272-24-4
All spring-centered spool valves in the control valve are removed
and disassembled the same way. Three spool valves are stamped
with a D (double action) on the shank of the spool valve. The
fourth is stamped with an S (single action) and is located next to
the oil outlet port in the control valve. Steps 9 through 12 will
cover a double-action valve only.
Remove spool valve cap (3) and spool valve (2) from crane control valve (1).
Clamp spool valve (2) in soft-jawed vise.
Using improvised compression tool, compress spring (6) and remove snapring (4), outer spacer (5),
spring (6), travel limit washer (7), and inner spacer (8) from spool valve (2).
Using seal retainer remover and replacer, remove retainer (24), seal (25), and O-ring (26) from crane
control valve (1). Discard seal (25) and O-ring (26).
All check valves in the control valve are removed and assembled
the same way. Check valves located adjacent to valve spools
marked with a D (double action) are identical. The check valve
located by the valve spool marked S (single action) contains only
one spring and poppet. All other components are the same as
the D-type spools. Steps 13 and 14 cover a check valve adjacent
to a D-type spool.
Do not remove check seat sleeve from control valve. Check valve
parts should be identified so they may be returned to their
original position during assembly.
Remove two check valve caps (9), springs (17), and poppets (14) from crane control valve (1).
Remove backup ring (16), O-ring (15), backup ring (13), backup ring (12), O-ring (11), and
O-ring (10) from each check valve cap (9). Discard backup ring (16), O-ring (15), backup ring (13),
backup ring (12), O-ring (11), and O-ring (10).