TM 9-2320-260-20
1. Clean all parts with drycleaning solvent, then dry each part with a clean rag.
2. Inspect all parts for breaks and cracks.
3. Inspect spring (7) for collapsed coils or other damage.
4. Replace all damaged or missing parts.
1. Install spring (7) on safety latch (6).
2. Install new cotter pin (11) on chain (15).
3. Install safety latch (6) on pintle hook latch (8) with new cotter pin (11).
4. Install lubrication fitting (10) on spacer (9).
5. Install lubrication fitting (12) on lubrication screw (13).
6. Install pintle hook latch (8) on pintle hook (16) with lubrication screw (13), nut (17), and new
cotter pin (18).
7. Install new drivescrew (14) on chain (15) and pintle hook (16).
Install pintle hook (4) on pintle mount (3) with washer (5), nut (1), and new cotter pin (2).
FOLLOW-ON TASK: Lubricate pintle hook (LO 9-2320-260-12).