TM 55-7440-240-14
Section I. GENERAL
b. Shelter, S.491 (fig 2-2). This is a
modified S280
This chapter provides a general description, iden-
B/G shelter which houses the electronic equipment
tification photographs, tabulated transportability
and provides space for the equipment operators.
characteristics, and data that are necessary for
transport of the TACFIRE System.
provide mobility for, the shelter and are the prime
movers for the trailer-mounted power units.
a. General. The TACFIRE System, (fig 2l),
OA-8389/GSG-10 (V), consists of two power units,
unit consists of a diesel engine-driven 15KW
PU-732/M; one shelter, with electrical equipment,
generator, mounted on a modified 2 1/2-ton trailer
S491, and two trucks, cargo, 5-ton, M813 or
chassis, M200A1.
M813A1, either of which may be used.