weight" column of table 7-4 may be used to determine the new restraint requirements imposed by the additional weight of the cargo.
8. Method of loading, as shown, is applicable to vehicles weighing up to 40,000 lb each. The vehicles in the quantity shown in table
7-4 can be
loaded on
60-ft, 75-ft, 85-ft, and 89-ft cars.
Table 7-4. Quantity of
M809-Series Truck That can be
Loaded on
Railroad Cars With Center Tiedown Rails
Because of the various designation systems used by
The transportability guidance contained in this section
different countries, foreign railcars are not easily clas-
is applicable when the M809-series trucks are trans-
sified, In addition, clearances vary, in many cases,
from one country to the next and within one country;
ported on foreign railways. Consideration is given to
single and multiple vehicle movements on the type of
consequently, evaluation of transportability capability
r a i l c a r s normally used for the movement of these
must be made on an individual basis.
types of vehicles. The vehicles, when loaded on suit-
a b l e railcars, can be transported in their reduced
h e i g h t configuration with restrictions within Euro-
pean countries complying with the International Load-
a. General. The vehicles can be transported on a
ing Gauge (formerly Berne International); most of the
number of foreign service flatcars.
countries in the Middle East; and South America, Aus-
b. Materials. The materials required for blocking
tralia, India, and Pakistan. In the Middle East and
and tiedown of the vehicle on foreign-service flatcars
are essentially the same as those used for transporting
South America, the clearances vary by country, and
each country will require a separate check, In Aus-
the vehicle within CONUS. Detailed guidance is con-
tralia, India, and Pakistan, wide- or broad-gauge rail-
tained in the 4th Transportation Command Pamphlet
ways provide greater clearances and less restrictions.
55-2, Tiedown Guide for Rail Movements.
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