Section I. GENERAL
b. Vehicle fuel tanks must be at least one-fourth and not
more than three-fourths full.
This chapter provides transportability guidance for air move-
c. The vehicle must be restrained for air transport in ac-
ment of the M39-series trucks, 5-ton, 6x6. It covers signifi-
cordance with the applicable procedures in section IV of the
cant technical and physical characteristics and safety con-
appropriate USAF 9 Technical Order.
siderations; prescribes the materials required to prepare,
d. Each vehicle must be checked carefully to insure that
load, and unload the vehicles as internal loads aboard US
all loose items are properly secured in accordance with
Air Force aircraft; and provides examples of tiedown
restraint criteria.
diagrams and tiedown data tables for loading these vehicles
in C-130, C-141, and C-5 aircraft.
4-2. Maximum Utilization of
Proper ventilation must be provided during
loading and unloading. Prolonged inhalation of
Cargo may be carried in the bed of a cargo truck when
carbon monoxide fumes may be fatal.
specific approval has been obtained by the Air Force. Such
cargo must be securely restrained in the vehicle bed by either
attachment to the vehicle or the aircraft floor and must meet
the same restraint criteria as required for the vehicle. When
Fire extinguishers must be readily available dur-
cargo is loaded and secured in the vehicles, the load must
ing all loading and unloading operations.
not exceed the maximum rated load capacity of 5 tons
(10,000 pounds), and consideration must be given to the
aircraft allowable cargo load (ACL) and compatibility of
cargo items. The weight of the vehicle plus the weight of
Do not allow vehicles to exceed 3 miles per hour
any cargo it may contain must be accurate. The vehicle and
(walking speed) on loading ramps or inside
its cargo are considered as one package, and the gross weight
is used to determine tiedown requirements in accordance
with chapter 4, FM 55-9. If the cargo truck is to carry any
cargo when it is in the aircraft, the truck must be loaded
and then weighed before it is loaded into the aircraft. The
Cargo loads depicted in this manual are restrained
weight of any cargo loaded on a vehicle will change the
to the required minimum of 3g forward restraint.
center of gravity (CG) of the vehicle, as shown in chapter
This must be increased to a minimum of 8g for-
2. The new CG will be determined in accordance with
ward restraint when passengers or nuclear weapons
chapter 5, FM 55-9. Chapters 4 and 5, FM 55-9 contain
cargo are carried forward of the other cargo.
detailed instructions for air movement of cargo trucks.
Dump trucks will be air-transported with the gravel shield
removed. The shield must be loaded separately aboard the
In air loading, the center of gravity of each vehi-
aircraft and must meet the same restraint criteria as required
cle must be determined, and, where weight
for the vehicle.
and/or measurement is critical, each vehicle
should be weighed and/or measured.
In addition to the safety precautions contained in chapter
3, the following should be noted:
The aircraft commander or his representative is responsible
a. The activity offering the vehicles or items for air
for insuring that the load is secured in accordance with
transport will notify the aircraft commander or his
restraint criteria outlined in the applicable aircraft technical
to be transported within a vehicle.
4-5. Aircraft Capabilities
In accordance with MIL-A-842lF, the following 5-ton, 6x6
The following tiedown diagrams (figs 4-1 through 4-3) and
trucks can be transported, without a waiver, by the type of
data (tables 4-1 through 4-3) are based on acceptable
aircraft listed:
methods and can be used as a guide for the loading and
a. C-130 and C-141: M51, M52, M54, and M55.
securing of the 5-ton, 6x6 trucks aboard US Air Force air-
b. C-5: All M39-series trucks, 5-ton, 6x6.
craft. Loads are based on empty vehicles in a reduced con-
Change 1