TB 9-2300-295-15/21
Warranty disputes will be handled by the local Cummins/Detroit Diesel Allison dealer. If a
warrant y dispute is unresolved, immediately forward a prepared DA Form 2407 in accordance
with Section V, Paragraph 1 C.
1. DA FORM 2407
a. Use of DA Form 2407. The DA Form 2407 must be used to submit warranty claim
actions for defective components, parts or assemblies and to obtain reimbursement for
maintenance man-hours expended in replacing the defective engine/transmission warranty
items. The form is prepared after the work has been accomplished or when a dispute arises.
(1) The direct exchange facility is responsible for forwarding DA Form 2407 when
claims concern direct exchange items.
(2) DA Form 2407 is forwarded by the unit authorized to replace the item when
direct exchange of the item is not involved.
(3) Evacuating units forward DA Form 2407 when all work is performed by
Cummins/Detroit Diesel Allison.
b. Forwarding DA Form 2407. When DA Form 2407 is prepared, after work is
accomplished, make sure Copies 2 and 5 are marked "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and
forwarded to:
US Army Tank-Automotive Command
Warren, Michigan 48090
c. Warranty Disputes. If a warranty dispute arises, immediately forward copies 2 and 5
of a prepared DA Form 2407 marked "WARRANTY DISPUTE" for forwarding to the address
given in paragraph b above for technical review and evaluation to minimize technical
misunderstandings between you and Cummins/Detroit Diesel Allison whenever possible. You
must include the following information:
Name, address, and telephone number of the Cummins/Detroit Diesel Allison
representative/dealership that refused the service;
Specific reason(s) for the refusal; and
Specific facts/evidence that you feel will refute Cummins/Detroit Diesel Allison's
reason(s) for refusal. Include photographs and sketches, if possible.
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