TM 9-2320-392-10-1
M1083A1 SERIES THEORY OF OPERATION - Continued 0003 00
ENGINE AIR INTAKE SYSTEM (Vehicle S/N 11,438 to 99,999)
The Engine Air Intake System consists of a dry-type air cleaner, turbocharger, and a
Charge Air Cooler (CAC). The turbocharger increases engine horsepower by increasing
the density of air delivered to the engine. The turbocharger compresses the air and
delivers it to the CAC. The air flows through the CAC, which cools the air before it is
delivered to the engine cylinders. The air aspiration tubes pass the cooled and
compressed air to the engine inlet manifold. The compressed air/fuel mixture allows more
complete burning of the fuel. The result is an increase in horsepower and lower
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