TM 9-2320-260-34-2
1. For general cleaning instructions, refer to para. 2-8.
2. For general inspection instructions, refer to para. 2-9.
a. Inspect piston rod (11), pivot pins (19) and (20), and lift cylinder (3) for chips, nicks, burrs,
scoring, and rust.
b. Inspect piston (13) and cylinder head (5) for nick, burrs, scoring, and chipped or broken edges of
seal grooves.
c. Inspect studs (4), two bushings (16), bushings (18), and bushing (17).
1. For general repair procedures, refer to para. 2-10.
a. Minor nicks, chips, burrs, and scoring of piston rod (11), pivot pins (19) and (20), lift cylinder (3),
cylinder head (5), and bushings (16) and (18) may be repaired with fine mill file or crocus cloth.
b. Replace damaged studs (4) and bushings (16), (18), and (17).
c. Chipped or cracked seal grooves and notches on cylinder head (5) and piston (13) are
unrepairable. Replace parts.
d. Minor surface rust and scoring in bore of cylinder (3) maybe removed. Replace part if damage
is more severe.