LO 9-2350-247-12
(Supersedes LO 9-2350-247-12, March 1982)
8 JULY 1994
Reference: TM 9-2350-247-10, TM 9-2350-247-20, IL 91OOSL, TB 43-0106, TM 9-2300-422-23 & P, FM 9-207
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Lubrication intervals, other than the AOAP On-Condi-
and M548A3 carriers use approved OE/HDO type oil
(see Temperature Key Charts for required oils). For
tion (OC) symbol, will be indicated by one of the
following symbols: Before operation (B), Daily (D), Af-
specific data, see applicable pages in this Lubrication
ter (AF), Weekly (W), Monthly (M), 1,500 miles (2400
km), Semi-annually (S), or Annually (AN). Additionally,
On drawings, arrows indicate lubrication points on
the "either-or" clause may be utilized to reflect hard
time intervals where AOAP is not required or not
available (i.e., "1,500 miles or semi-annually", "6000
Dry cleaning solvent PD-680 is toxic and flam-
miles or annually", etc).
mable. Death or injury may result. Always use in an
open area with good air flow, away from sparks,
On-condition (OC) AOAP Laboratory determined oil
heat, or flames. Wear protective goggles and gloves.
change intervals shall be applied instead of hard time
Do not breathe vapors. Avoid contact with skin,
intervals such as hourly, calendar, or mileage, unless
eyes, and clothes. If you get dizzy while using
otherwise notified. The services will be required when
solvent, breathe fresh air and get medical help. If
directed by an Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP)
solvent gets on hands, wash them. If solvent gets
Laboratory which has analyzed the oil for serviceability.
in eyes, flush eyes with fresh water and get medical
help immediately. Keep fire extinguisher nearby.
The lowest level of maintenance authorized to lubricate
a point is indicated by one of the following symbols as
appropriate: Operator/Crew (C) or Unit Maintenance
Park carrier on level ground to check oil levels.
Clean fittings with dry cleaning solvent (PD-680,
Type III, or equivalent). Dry before lubricating.
Oil filled components such as engine, transmission,
Check/lubricate all oil and grease fitting points
final drives, and fan gear box on the M548A1/M1015A1
after washing or fording.
Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited.
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